Liscard Village, Liscard, Wirral, CH45 4JG
Telephone: 0151 638 8221
Sorry, we're currently closed. Please call NHS 111
Patients living within our practice area are welcome to visit our surgery and meet the team before they decide to join our list. Our practice area covers the postcode areas CH44 and CH45 ONLY; unfortunately we are unable to accept onto our list patients who do not have this postcode.
Patients who move out of our practice area will be asked to leave our list.
On joining all newly registered patients are normally offered a short medical examination so that we can get to know their medical history before their medical records arrive from their previous GP.
Please make sure that you keep us up-to-date with your contact details. We have forms available at reception to cover these changes.
Unfortunately, we are unable to accept online patient registrations at the current time. Please contact the surgery if you would like to register with us.